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Q: What organ system uses epidermis dermis and cutaneous?
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What organ system includes the epidermis dermis oil and sweat glands?

The integumentary system (skin) contains the epidermis, dermis, oil glands, and sweat glands.

What organ system contains the dermis and epidermis?

The integumentary system contains the dermis and epidermis.

What organ system does epidermis and dermis belong to?

Integumentary (skin).

How much skin is on a human body what are the parts of the skin what does the skin?

There are two parts of the skin. The Dermis and the Epidermis. Skin is the biggest organ and is located in the integumentary system. There are two parts of the skin. The Dermis and the Epidermis. Skin is the biggest organ and is located in the integumentary system.

What is the largest organ of the body is it the dermis or epidermis?

Comparatively, the dermis is much thicker than the epidermis. But generally we refer to them both as the skin which is the largest organ of the body.

What organ has 2 layers the epidermis the dermis?


The dermis and epidermis are the two primary layers of which organ?

The skin

The epidermis and the dermis make up what membrane?

The skin, our largest organ is a cutaneous membrane and in addition to hair and nails make up the integumentary system. It is made up of various layers within 2 most distinctive layers, ther dermis and epidermis. The dermis holds all the blood vessels, glands, nerve endings and fibres (elastic/collagen). The epidermis derives it's nutrition from the dermis and is constantly shed through the process of keratinisation. Functions of the skin is protection, heat regulation, sensation, excretion, secretion, absorption and immunity. The epidermis reflects our true health as it's appearance is dependant on a healthy blood and nutrition supply from the dermis. Go figure, our first line of defense against the environment is something many of us neglect...

Which organ system includes the epidermis?

The integumentary system includes the epidermis. The epidermis is part of the organ called the skin.

The uppermost layer of the skin is?

The Upper Layer of the skin is the Epidermis. The layer under it is the Dermis. These are part of the Integumentary System. The Integumentary System is the organ system that forms a protective covering on the outside of the body; this system is made up of your skin, nails, and hair.

What are mechanorecepters?

Mechanoreceptors are part of the nervous system that detect changes in movement or pressure. They are a cutaneous receptor found in the dermis or epidermis. They involve special tiny organs. These include cutaneous mechanoreceptors (for light touch), Ruffini's end organ (sustained pressure), Meissner's corpuscle (changes in texture, slow vibrations), Pacinian corpuscle (deep pressure, fast vibrations) and Merkel's disc (sustained touch and pressure).

What organ system do Epidermis belong to?

Epidermis belongs to skin.