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Lysozomes* (Is the correct spelling)

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Q: What organelle contains digestive enzymes and help to digest waste inside the cell?
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What cell organelle contain digestive enzymes?

Lysosomes are the organelles contained in the cells digestive enzymes. Lysosomes have the acid hydrolase enzymes that digest waste products in a cell, such as viruses and bacteria. These organelles also play a role in plasma membrane repair.

What organelle digest enzymes?

Lysosomes, they are the disposal system of the cell.

Why an organelle considered as an organelle?

Lysosome contain digestive enzymes for almost all type of organic material. If their covering membrane breaks as it happens during injury to cell, the digestive enzymes will spill over cell content and digest the same. As lysosomes are organelles which on bursting can kill cells possessing them ,they are called suicide bags.

What does a lysosme do in a cell?

Lysosomes is a cell organelle which contains enzymes that digest the injured or worn out part of cell. If a cell ruptures or dies the lysosome present in the cell burst to release enzymes. These organelles are also called 'digestive bag' and 'suicide bag'. During metamorphosis in tadpole the tail is digested by lysosomes.

Does breast milk contains enzymes that help digest food?

No, because digestive juices, though relatively mild in an infant's stomach, should be what aid digestion, not enzymes in breast milk.

How does a cell digest protein?

With the aid of digestive enzymes from the lysosomes.

The organelle that contains the digestive enzymes in the cell?

The Golgi apparatus. It creates lysosomes.Lysosome: Lysosomes contain hydrolytic enzymes necessary for intracellular digestion. They are common in animal cells, but rare in plant cells.

What Contains Enzymes to Digest Food?


What organelle resembles the stomach?

The lysosome, an organelle in the human/animal cell, is most like the stomach. The lysosome contains enzymes to digest materials like food, dead cell parts, and waste. Along with foreign "invaders."

Which organelle can be called digestive bags of the cell?

Lysosome contain digestive enzymes for almost all type of organic material. If their covering membrane breaks as it happens during injury to cell, the digestive enzymes will spill over cell content and digest the same. As lysosomes are organelles which on bursting can kill cells possessing them ,they are called suicide bags.