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Q: What organelle in aquatic bacteria can be used to provide buoyancy?
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How much upthrust does the buoyancy aid provide?

it provides 30 upthrust .

If there was no buoyancy in fluids would everything sink in fluid?

Buoyancy is not a characteristic of fluid but rather it is the upward force on the object that the fluid provides. The only way a fluid could have an effect similar to no buoyancy is if it couldn't provide an upward force great enough to provide the object to stay on top of the fluid.

What organelle helps provide a cell with nutrients?

The ribosomes.

Do airplanes use compressed air to provide buoyancy?

No, they do not, they get "bouyancy" from the speed of air around the wings.

What organelle consist of hollow tubes which provide support for cell?


What is the role in bacteria in lichens?

Novanet ---------- They provide for nitrogen Algae in lichens provide for food, fungi help retain minerals and water, and bacteria provide nitrogen.

What must a inflatable life jacket need?

The inflatable 401 lifejackets must provide 150 newtons of buoyancy

What liquids have a better buoyancy?

Liquids that have a greater density than water, will provide more buoyancy to objects floating in it. Salt water is more dense than fresh water, so objects will float higher in it.

How the air spaces found in the stalk help the water hyacinth help to obtain light?

Aquatic plants need light too and water hyacinths are aquatic plants. They have air spaces inside them which help them to float freely in the water.

What organelle manufacture proteins in a cell?

Protein is made on ribosomes. They provide surface for synthesis

What happens to aquatic plants?

Aquatic plants provide food and habitat for many animals such as fish and waterfowl. They provide soil stability, and keep ponds and lakes from eroding.

What organelle sevres as a protein factory?

Ribosomes act as the protein factories.They provide the surface for the synthesis.