

What organelle produces ATP?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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7y ago

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Atp is produced in a series of steps inside the mitochondria. It is made via the process of glycolysis and the kreb's cycle. That is why the mitochondria is also referred to as the "power-house" of the cell.

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the mitochondria does not need light to produce ATP, as opposed to the chloroplasts, which require light to produce energy

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the organelle that produces energy is the mitochondria.

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The organelle which produces Adenosine Tri-Phosphate in both plants and animals is the mitochondrion or, more accurately, mitochondria because there are usually many of them in each cell. In plants, the other organelle which produces its own ATP from sunlight is the Chloroplast.

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Is the mitochonria an organelle?

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