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Q: What organelles are directly necessary for process B to occur?
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Where in a plant does photosynthesis occur?

This process occurs mainly in the plant's leaves.More specifically, the process is initiated within the chloroplasts, organelles within the plant cells. The chloroplasts include stacks of disc-shaped structures called thykaloids, which contain chlorophyll, carotenoids, and the proteins necessary to perform the photosynthetic operations.

How does oxygen affect fermenting wine?

Oxygen is necessary for the fermentation process to occur.

Can cellular metabolism occur within organelles?

Yes, I would say that most cellular metabolism does occur within organelles.

What organelles does translation occur?

The Ribosome

Which organelles have to be present in a plants leaf in order for photosynthesis to occur?

The chloroplast is the main component/organelle in the process of photosynthesis. Also this organelle is unique to plant cells.

What is necessary for speciation to occur?

Isolation Is necessary for speciation to occur.

What do chloropasts do?

Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells that conduct photosynthesis. Chloroplasts absorb light and use it in conjunction with water and carbon dioxide to produce sugars, the raw material for energy and biomass production in all green plants and the animals that depend on them, directly or indirectly, for food

Genetic variation is a necessary condition of which process?

Genetic variation is one of the conditions required for Natural Selection to occur.

Where does gylcolysis occur?

In the cytoplasm (the goop in that fills cells outside of the organelles).

What does metabolic process mean?

Metabolic processes are organic processes that occur in a cell or organism, that are essential to living matter. They are necessary to sustain life.

What organelles is a gel-like substance where many biochemical reactions occur?
