

What organic material is in soil?

Updated: 6/16/2024
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13y ago

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This organic material is made up of living organisms such as plants and animals, dead plants and animals, and nutrients that have come from decomposed plants and animals.

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1mo ago

Organic material in soil includes decomposed plant and animal matter such as leaves, roots, and manure. This organic material provides nutrients for plants, improves soil structure, and supports beneficial soil organisms.

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7y ago

Organic material is plant and animal remains that are in the process of decaying. It is incorporated into the soil by soil organisms such as worms.

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The main source of organic material in soil is decaying plant and animal matter. This organic material undergoes decomposition by microorganisms, releasing nutrients that are essential for plant growth. Additionally, organic material helps improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability.

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Soil is created by worms. Worms eat organic material, and soil, and then they poop out soil.

What are the decayed organic material of soil called?

Decayed organic material in soil is called humus. Humus is rich in nutrients and helps improve soil structure, fertility, and water retention.

What is the decayed organic material in soil is?

Decayed organic material in soil is called humus. Humus is rich in nutrients and helps improve soil structure, water retention, and fertility. It is a key component of healthy soil ecosystems.