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Q: What organism has radial symmetry and stinging cells?
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What does cnidarians look like that makes it different from other invertebrate groups?

Most cnidarians have tentacles with stinging cells surrounding their mouth. The mouth is the only body opening. All cnidarianshave radial symmetry.

What type of animal has no symmetry?

Actually all Cnidarians have radial symmetry (able to be divided into identical pie-shaped segments) and have stinging cells. The invertebrate with no symmetry is probably a sponge, phylum Porifera.

Animals with radial symmetry get information?

i dont know the answer but i think its from specialized cells

What is the body plan of a sea anemone?

radial symmentry starfish They have Bilateral symmetry as a larvae but as they mature they get secondary symmetry. Starfish with five arms have pentaradial symmetry and sea cucumbers and ect. have radial symmetry

Which Stinging cells are a characteristic of members of this phylum.?

the scientific phylum name is Cnidaria. this includes animals such as jellyfish, anemone, and coral. Some are medusa shaped (jellyfish) or polyp shaped (upside down jellyfish) All of them have nematocysts which is a scientific name for stinging cells. These invertebrates evolved from sponges. New characteristics include movement (sponges move but only at the larval stage) and tissues for the movement (muscle and nerve tissue). They also evolved from asymmetrical symmetry (sorry - redundant) to radial symmetry.

What are some special traits of stinging cells?

they do not sting any organism on purposely then harppons are only by touch

Cnidarians are members of the phylum?

Cnidarians are members of the phylum Cnidaria. They are a diverse group of animals that includes jellyfish, corals, and sea anemones. Cnidarians are characterized by their radial symmetry, specialized stinging cells called cnidocytes, and a basic body plan with a central mouth surrounded by tentacles.

Where Are the Stinging Cells of a Jellyfish Located?

The stinging cells in a jellyfish are located in it's tentacles.

Do sponges have stinging cells?

No, most cnidarians have stinging cells, not sponges.

What does cnidarian mean?

Cnidiarian is the word for the phylum of jellyfish and sea anemomes. Some of the requirements to make it into the Cnidaria Phylum are possessing radial symmetry, having no nervous system or head but having a nerve net, and possessing nematocysts (which are stinging cells unique to cnidarians). Nematocysts are also called cnidea, which likely is the basis of the meaning of the name Cnidaria.

What is the difference between tentacles and stinging cells?

Stinging cells are cells that "sting" and pour toxins into the bloodstream, and tentacles are long appendages that have no relation whatsoever to stinging cells.

Stinging cells are in what phylum?

Usually stinging cells belong to the phylum Cnidaria