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Q: What organism in the food chain is responsible for transforming radiant energy into chemical energy?
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Which organism is responsible for transforming radiant energy into chimical energy?

Green plants absorbs radiant/light energy to make food (chemical energy) in a process called photosynthesis

Example of radiant energy transforming into chemical energy?

the sun (radiant energy) makes a plant grow (chemical energy)

What organism in the food chain converts radiant energy into chemical bonding energy?


What is some examples of radiant energy transforming to another energy?

Radiant energy using a solar panel to change into electrical energy.

Vision is what kind of energy?

Vision is a form of electromagnetic energy that is detected by the eyes and processed by the brain. It involves the absorption of light by photoreceptor cells in the retina, which then send signals to the brain for interpretation.

What type of radiant energy that comes from the sun can damage an organism's DNA?

High-energy waves such as X-rays and UV rays are the various types of radiant energy from the sun that can damage an organism's DNA.

Particles of radiant energy?

chemical energy

What is energy of radiant objects such as fire?

Radiant energy is exothermic energy. Fire is a chemical reaction that produces heat. This heat is released as a result of the exothermic chemical reaction.

Would radiant energy to chemical energy be solar energy?

Yes. It would be radiant to chemical energy because things(plants) would have to grow. Example: Sun to a tree The sun would be radiant and the tree would be chemical. No. A conversion between two types is not another type itself.

What energy is radiant energy turned into during photosynthesis?

During photosynthesis, radiant energy is absorbed and converted into chemical energy.

What is energy transforms in a lighted bulb?

Chemical to radiant(light:)

The process of converting radiant energy into a chemical energy is called?
