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C. grass

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Q: What organism is a producer A. grasshopper B. raccoon C. grass D frog?
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Which organism is producer grasshopper raccoon grass frogs?

Grass is the only producer listed. All the other organisms in your list are consumers.

Is grass or a grasshopper a producer?

Grass is a producer.

Grass grasshopper fish and hawk which of these is the producer?

Birds, snakes and Grasshoppers are all consumers. None of them is a producer. Plants are producers.

What would the food web look like for a corn cat cricket bluebird snake and hawk?

On the bottom the producer would be grass. Then connected to it would be trout, deer, mouse, and grasshopper. The wolf would eat the deer, but nothing eats the wolf. The frog and trout could eat the grasshopper. Raccoon eats the frog, the grasshopper and the trout. Snake eat frog and mouse. Depending on the snakes size and type, it could eat the raccoon or the raccoon could eat it. Hope that answers your Question!:)

Which organism is a producer grass prairie dog ferret or fox?

the fox

Is a Giant Kangaroo Rat a secondary consumer?

No, the giant kangaroo rat eats grass and seeds.

What is the producer primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer top predator grass eagle mouse snake kookaburra rabbit grasshopper?

producer = grass primary consumer = grasshopper, rabbit secondary consumer = mouse tertiary consumer = snake, kookaburra top predator = eagle

Organism that make it's own food?

Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. They use energy from sunlight or chemicals to convert inorganic substances into organic compounds, such as carbohydrates. Examples of autotrophs include plants, algae, and some bacteria.

Why do Grasshoppers live on grass?

grasshopper's live in grass because they camouflage in the grass. they do that because the grasshopper's hide from there prey. :)

Which is the following organism cause the entire food web to collapse since they are the primary producer of energy A. Rabbits B.Grasses C.GrasshoppersD.Hawks?

B. Grass

Is the grass a producer or a consumer?

Grass is a producer because it can photosynthesize and convert sunlight into energy, creating its own food. This makes it an autotroph at the base of the food chain, providing energy for consumers like animals that eat the grass.

What kind of consumer is a Maya bird that eats a grasshopper?

secondary consumer because the grass hopper eats grass than the bird eats it the grass is the producer the grass hopper is the primary consumer then the bird is the secondary. the thing that eats the bird would be the tertiary consumer.