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Q: What organism is more similar to a wolf - a dog or a chimpanzee?
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Is the wolf spiders cells unicellular or multicellular?

Behold spiders: The Only Unicellular yet still Multicellular species on earth. =O

What will win a gray wolf or a African wild dog?

A grey wolf would win, it has more jaw strength, a wolf's jaw strength is about 1600 LBS per square inch! and it has more jaw strength than a lion, and a lion has more jaw strength than the wild dog, so it has that advantage. they have about the same speed, a wolf's speed is between 40 - 45 MPH, and a wild dog's is 45 MPH. The wolf is just stronger, and a wolf has sharper and maybe longer canines. The wolf is bigger, and it has more protection with it's thicker fur. And it's cuter ( i know that doesn't have anything to do with fighting ability, but i just wanted to say that :) The fight would go the heavier wolf. But bite force is similar, both between 400-500 psi. Neither is close to the lion, which is around 900 psi, or tiger at 975. No canid has a bite force of 1600 psi.

Who would win in a race a lion or a wolf?

wolf, the are more arrowdinamic and have stronger legs.

What organism looks and sounds like a wolf but is more common and it visits the pond to look for anything to eat?

A coyote sounds and looks like a wolf

What will win cheetah or wolf?

The wolf, probably because it is stronger and has more powerful jaws. Also, the wolf is used to fighting while the cheetah isn't. The cheetah may be fast, but cheetahs are fragile and if they get a single injury they can die. Wolf is more poweful and has more agility. While the cheetah tires quickly, the wolf can run 40 miles without stopping. WINNER:WOLF

Related questions

Which organism is more similar to a Wolf dog or chimpanzee?

The wolf is much more closely related to a dog than a chimpanzee. Dogs and Wolves are both of order: Carnivora, suborder: Caniformia, family: Canidae, genus: Canis, species C. lupus. Chimpanzees are order: primates, suborder: haplorhini, family: hominidae - not even the same ORDER as dogs and wolves. In fact dogs and wolves are so closely related that they can interbreed.

Why did a change in the wolf population affect the other organism in the community?

well, you have to think about how if wolves don't eat a certain organism, that organism can over populate and harm even more organisms.

What is a Zorro?

A zorro is a South American creature, similar to a fox but more closely related to a wolf.

Who would win in a fight - a wolf or a chimpanzee?

Wolves definitely because they have sharp teeth and are quick so they would win

Why did a change in the wolf population affect the other organisms in the community?

well, you have to think about how if wolves don't eat a certain organism, that organism can over populate and harm even more organisms.

Is a wolf heterotroph?

Yes a wolf is a heterotroph! Heterotroph means that the organism can't make it's own energy!

Is the wolf spiders cells unicellular or multicellular?

Behold spiders: The Only Unicellular yet still Multicellular species on earth. =O

Is there a wolf demon anime?

Anime's that feature a wolf demon would be Inuyasha and its spin-offs, Spice and wolf might be similar enough with a wolf deity.

What wolf is more fascinating an Arctic wolf or a gray wolf?

A article wolf

How does a gray wolf organism change over lifetime?

It starts as a puppy, grows up into an adult wolf then dies of some injury, disease or old age.

You just saw a painting similar to the Lone Wolf but has two bears It is the same vintage as the Lone Wolf you believe the artist was Mangold. Can anyone tell me more about this picture?

It is called " Northern Lights" artist is H.F. Mangold

Any games similar to slasher and cry wolf?
