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Q: What organism is responsible for fixing nitrogen or helping to put it in a form so other living things can use it?
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Chemoautotrophs like Nitrogen fixing bacteria

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why are nitrogen fixing bacteria so important to other organism

What is responsible for making nitrogen in the atmosphere usable by living organisms?

nitrogen fixing bacteria

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nitrogen fixing bacteria

How Nitrogen fixation for plants occurs in what organism?

Nitrogen fixation is carried out by nitrogen fixing bacteria in the nodules of the roots of legumes, and in the soil.

Which is The bacteria responsible for fixing nitrogen in soyabean?

Bacteria of the genus Rhizobium.

How many cells make up an individual nitrogen-fixing bacteria?

Nitrogen fixation is a uniquely prokaryotic. This a one celled organism.

What is a nitrogen-fixing?

nitrogen fixing is a process in which atmosphere nitrogen converted into ammonia.

What is a nitrogen fixing?

nitrogen fixing is a process in which atmosphere nitrogen converted into ammonia.

Which eubacteria help plants in the production of proteins nitrogen-fixing bacteria endospores bacillia halophiles?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

What organisms can transform unusable nitrogen?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

What is the formation of oxides of nitrogen and eventually nitrates as nitrogen fixing?

Reactions for the formation of oxides of nitrogen and nitrates as nitrogen fixing