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Q: What organism occupies the highest trophic level?
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What is the trophic level of the bird?

The trophic level is where an organism falls on the food chain. Most birds fall on the highest level, trophic level 4.

What group of organisms occupies the first tropic level of ecosystem?

Plants, algae, and bacteria occupy the first trophic level of an organism.

Which group of organisms has the least biomass?

A tropic level is the position that an organism occupies in the food chain. The trophic level that has the least biomass is trophic level 5, which is composed of apex predators.

What happens when an organism from a higher trophic level eats an organism from a lower trophic level?

When an organism from a higher trophic level eats one from a lower trophic level, it gains energy and nutrients from the consumed organism. This contributes to the transfer of energy through the food chain and helps regulate population sizes in the ecosystem.

What are the tiny organisms that are the lowest links in the food chain?

The lowest organism on a food chain is the primary producer which occupies the first trophic level

What trophic levels do armadillos belong to?

The trophic level is the level in the food chain that an animal occupies. The armadillo belongs to both the second and third trophic levels.

What trophic level would an autotrophic organisms occupied?

primary producer

What are tritrophic interactions?

Trophic indicating the level of an organism in the position it occupies in a food chain. Tri indicating placement withing three levels hence, Tritrophic.

What trophic level does a giraffe occupy?

The giraffe occupies the second trophic level because it is a primary consumer. Giraffes are herbivores so they feed off of the producers in the first trophic level.

What organism in the food web below is at the highest trophic level Spider Grass Robin or a worm?

robin answer Ap#x

Which organism is a third-order heterotroph to what trophic level does that organism belong?

A snake is an organism that is a third-order heterotroph. Snakes belong to the third trophic level. There are approximately 3,000 species of snakes.

What is an organism's relative position in a sequence of energy transfers in a food chain or food pyramid?

Trophic level