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Q: What organism of many cells that decomposes material to get its food?
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Vacuolecantain stored food for cells or wast material form cells.

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Fungus has the role of decomposer in a food chain it decomposes the dead organic material and feeds on it.

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To make cells and build body parts

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The circulatory system brings oxygen and food to the cells of an organism. It is made up of the heart, a network of vessels and the blood.

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What are decomposers where would decomposes appear in this food web?

Decomposers eat dead material and make it into something that enriches the soil such as worms.

What is the difference between an organism that is a producer and an organism that is a decomposer?

A producer is something that makes its own food like a tree and a decomposer is something that eats dead things like a worm or maggot. the difference is that the producer makes its own food and the decomposer decomposes dead or unneeded stuff hope i helped =)

Is a spiderweb a living organism?

No. It is made from material produced by a spider, and is where spiders capture food and live.

Why are 4 sperm produced?

That is how meiosis works. Sperm cells only contain half of the chromosomes needed to make a new organism. Like mitosis, meiosis starts to produce 2 cells. So when producing gamete cells, this produces enough genetic information for 4 cells. However, for ova cells, only one is produced from this. The reason is that the material for the other 3 half cells is needed for food, so that material is absorbed into a single egg cell.