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Tracheophytes (trees/green plants) provide most of the world's oxygen.

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Q: What organism provides most of the world's oxygen?
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What provides most of the worlds oxygen?


What one of these provides the most of worlds oxygen phytoplankton seaweed amoebas flagellates?

Marine Phytoplankton. Contains over 70% of the world's oxygen.

Most of the worlds oxygen is produced by?

Most of the worlds oxygen is produced by Trees.

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Because most of the Amazon Rainforest is within its borders, and the Amazon Rainforest prduces most of the oxygen we use to breathe.

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What is the most abundant element in a living organism?

Oxygen i think. :)

Which office plant provides the most oxygen?

tree or seaweed

Why is aerobic respiration the most efficient form of metabolic energy production?

Aerobic respiration is the most efficient form of metabolic energy production because it uses oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor. By combining hydrogen from carbohydrates with oxygen the organism maximizes its ΔE0' meaning that the use of oxygen provides the most amount of energy in comparison with other terminal electron acceptors such as nitrate or iron.

What process provides most of the oxygen found in earths atmosphere?

Growing more trees as trees take in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen that we use for breathing. So. I guess Afforestation provides most of the oxygen found in the earths atmosphere.

What is the concentration of oxygen?

Oxygen consternation is the most important for patient. Oxygen concentrate provides oxygen to the patients who require more oxygen than normal air