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Q: What organisms was Darwin interested in?
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Darwin's theory of common descent states that all organisms _____.

Darwin’s theory of common descent states that all organisms?

Darwin's theory of common descent states that all organisms evolved from past organisms.

Darwin concluded that organisms on the Galápagos Islands?

Darwin concluded that organisms on the Galapagos Islands had evolved (changed gradually over time).

What process in Darwin book say what organisms evolve through?

Darwin said that organisms evolve through the process of natural selection.

Why was Charles Darwin interested in the islands?

What intrested Charles Darwin about the Galapagos Islands was the evolution.

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Galapagos Islands are the islands where Charles Darwin observed variation among organisms.

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Why was Charles Darwin interested in the Galapagos island?

What intrested Charles Darwin about the Galapagos Islands was the evolution.

What were Darwin's important observation about the organisms from his trip on the beagle?

What were Darwin's important observation about the organisms from his trip on the Beagle.1.The diversity of organisms2. The remains of ancient organisms3. the characteristics of organisms on the Galapagos Island

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