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Q: What organization pattern shows the similarities or differences between ideas or objects?
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In geometry the differences between groups of objects are not important?

False. In geometry it is helpful to group objects and look at similarities between them.

What type organization is used in a paragraph that lists similarities between two objects?

Compare and contrast organization - see Related Questions

What type of organization is used in paragraph that lists similarities between two objects?

Compare and contrast organization - see Related Questions

How do you compare two or more items?

When comparing two items or two objects, then look for the similarities (what is the same) and differences (what is different) between them.

Differentiate comparing from classifying in science?

Comparing means finding the similarities and differences between two objects, while Classifying means grouping of objects according to their common characteristics

Are there similarities and differences between animals or the same kind like two pet dog and rabbits?

Yes, both similarities and differences can be drawn out of any two objects. This would apply to any two animals, whether they were different or the same species.

What type of organizations is used in a paragraph that lists similarities between two objects?

Compare and contrast organization - see Related Questions

In geometry it is sometimes helpful to group objects and look at similarities between them?

True. In geometry it is sometimes helpful to group objects and look at similarities between them.

What are two or more objects or ideas observed by their similarities called?

The term is "contrast" when items are observed or defined by their differences. The word "compare" is used for observed similarities, or more generally for both similarities and differences.

True or false In geometry it is sometimes helpful to group objects and look at similarities between them?

True. In geometry it is sometimes helpful to group objects and look at similarities between them.

What is the difference between compare and difference?

Compare is a verb (the noun is comparison) Difference is a noun (the verb is differentiate). Compare means to consider one or more objects or ideas and to analyze the similarities and differences. Differentiate means to be able to consider two similar objects (or ideas) and to identify which is which. Contrast means to consider two objects (or concepts) and to identify the differences between them.

Group similar objects?

True. In geometry it is sometimes helpful to group objects and look at similarities between them.