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Anti-freeze, also known as ice crystals that forms in the body cavity, bladder and under the skin, contains a high concentration of glucose in the frog's vital organs prevents them from freezing.

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Q: What organ in the frog stores fat to provide energy during estivation hibernation and breeding?
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What is the difference between hibernation and estivation?

The difference between hibernation and estivation. Hibernation - when animals such as mice and bees and chipmunks and such sleep during winter and live off of fat and food energy that they store for when they go into a deep sleep. Estivation - when animals such as frogs and toads go into a deep sleep when it gets too warm.

What are examples of estivation?

the example of the estimation is waiting for the rainy

What is it called when desert animals go underground during the hottest part of summer to survive in that heat?

Estivation is a period of summer dormancy similar to hibernation.

What is the time period called when animals sleep during the summer?

It's called Aestivation (americans spell it without the 'a' at the beginning - the opposite of Hibernation.

How are a dormant plant and a hibernating animal similar?

Hibernation and estivation are similar in that they are adaptations to harsh climates. They offer protection to animals to maintain homeostasis. The difference is that hibernation refers to the torpor during winter while estivation refers to the torpor during summer.

What do you call the long winter sleep taken by some animals?

Some animals sleep through the winter -- those animals are called hibernators. The long sleep through the winter is called hibernation.

Do pandas hibernate or estivate?

polar bear suspend all their internal activities and go into a period of dormancy during the winter season in order to stay metabolically active during winter . this is known as hibernation .

When do frogs and snails estivate?

Estivation or aestivation is a rare state of dormancy similar to hibernation, land snails and desert frogs, which estivate in dry conditions, Snails also estivate during periods of heat during the day California red-legged frog, may estivate to conserve energy when their food and water supply is low. Otala lactea or the edible snail enter estivation when environmental conditions are dry and food availability is low

What is the inactivity of amphibians during hot dry weather?


10 animals that hibernate?

Some animals hiberate during the winter. Most hibernating animals awaken in the spring. But occasionally, hibernating animals will awaken to eat during the winter. Some of the animals listed are not true hibernators, they just go dormant (suspended state) over the winter. Some cold-blooded creature have their own form of hibernation called estivation. badgers - dormant bats (some not all bats hibernate) - hibernates bears - dormant bees - estivation butterflies chipmunks - dormant dormouse - dormant earthworms - estivation fat tailed lemurs frogs - estivation groundhogs or woodchucks - dormant ground squirrels - hibernates hamsters - dormant hedgehogs - estivation ladybug lizards - estivation marmots - hiberation mosquitoes moths prairie dogs raccoons - dormant skunks - dormant squirrels - dormant snails - estivation snakes - estivation toads - estivation

Which animals hibernate during the summer?

This is called estivation. Some animals that estivate are the Madagascan fat-tailed dwarf lemur, California red-legged frog, North American desert tortoise,crocodile,salamander,lungfish,snail (during the day),squirrel and chipmunk (during the worst part of Winter) Source:

Does a turtle hibernate estivate or migrate?

Hibernation is during the winter, estivation is just like hibernation but in the summer and migration is when the move to different locations. So Im pretty sure that turtles hibernate during the winter and some turtles estivate during the summer if it is too hot.