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Q: What other buildings are found in the centre block?
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What kind of buildings are found in Algeria?

Old buildings but in some other places you find mansions of the best in the world

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There are actually 5 buildings on the pa reserve. Whare kai, whare nui, whare moe, ngarue and the admin block

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Does Hong Kong have the world's tallest buildings?

Yes. Although Hong Kong does not have the world's tallest building, it has many buildings that are among the tallest in the world. It probably has more super tall buildings than any other city. 11 of the world's 100 tallest buildings are in Hong Kong. The tallest building in Hong Kong right now is International Commerce Centre, which is the third tallest building in the world. The tallest buildings in Hong Kong are: 1. International Commerce Centre 2. Two International Finance Centre 3. Central Plaza 4. Bank of China Tower 5. The Centre 6. Nina Tower 7. One Island East 8. Cheung Kong Centre 9=. The Cullinan North 9=. The Cullinan South 11. Hyatt Regency Hong Kong 12. Sorrento 1

What is definition of block plan in architecture?

"Drawing of buildings and layouts in simplified, undetailed form." AMES STEVENS CURL. "block-plan." A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture This often is created to show the relationship between other buildings in a block, neighbourhood subdivision, etc. and to show streets, main points of public utilities, and an overall design scheme.

What is the definition of World Trade Center?

The world trade centre in new york is the site of the twin towers' collapse, but it also had few other buildings in it, such as the third building to collapse on 9/11. it was a working place for people who traded in the centers, and the twin towers were a 110 story high block office for the workers

Where is concrete found?

Concrete is a man-made substance, and is therefore only found in sidewalks, buildings, and other man-made items.

Are there any famous buildings in Liverpool?

There are two cathedrals - one Anglican, the other Roman Catholic. There's also the Royal Liver building. The centre has a certain grandeur.

How many buildings did Auschwitz have?

Auschwitz had 280 Buildings. This included 197 Barracks, 2 Mess Halls, 2 Hospitals, 6 garages, 10 Storage facilities ( All purpose from Killing method to Food) and the 30 Blocks (This included famous Block 10 and Block 11). Other buildings were SS Houses, SS Entertainment areas and for other purposes such as Coal for the trains and tools for maintenance needs. Auschwitz Birkenau was only 25% complete and their was plans of having 1000 buildings at Auschwitz, majority of this would of been Barracks and Gas Chambers.

What were the physical damages caused by the Easter rising?

most of the main street of Dublin, O'Connell Street, was ruined, and several other buildings in the city centre were destroyed when a british gunboat shelled the city

What buildings did the rebels of the 1916 Easter rising take over?

many building were destroyed in Dublin City Centre including : Most of the buildings on Lower Sackville Street (now Lwr. O'Connell St.). Some buildings on the eastern side of Upper Sackville St. Many buildings at the eastern end of Henry St. and Princes St., the western end of North Earl St. and Lwr. Abbey St. Also buildings on Middle Abbey St, and Eden quay. Many other buildings were damaged.