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Q: What other countries acknowledge remembrance day?
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What three countries honor Veterans Day as remembrance day?

Three Countries that I know that honour Veterans Day as Remembrance day are: Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. Many other countries observe this day and most commonwealth countries still call it remembrance day.

How is Veterans Day known in other countries?

Remembrance Day

What commonwealth country does not celebrate remembrance day?

Well not only Germany, many other countries don't celebrate remembrance day, such as Sweden or the Scandinavian countries.

What is Veterans Day known as in countries other than the US?

Armistice Day, Remembrance Day are some.

Which countries have holiday on Armistice day or Veterans Day or Remembrance Day or Poppy Day?

Canada, for one, celebrates Remembrance Day.

What are all the countries that celebrate remembrance day?

Mostly British Commonwealth countries and Canada. In different countries it varies from Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, Poppy Day, or the other one with the strange word. But it's all normally November 11.

What was remembrance day originally known as?

Veterans Day in the US. Also known as Poppy day and Armistice day in other countries.

What other countries celeabrate Veterans Day?

Other than US Veteran's Day, Canada celebrates November 11 as Remembrance Day, and I'm sure many other countries have celebrations, perhaps by other names too.

What month and day is remembrance day?

Remembrance Day (Poppy Day) in Commonwealth countries is November 11. In New Zealand, France, Belgium, Serbia, and the US, it is called Veterans Day. Remembrance Sunday is the nearest Sunday to Poppy Day.

Where was remembrance day held?

Remembrance Day is held every year on Nov 11. It is honoured all around the world by countries that participated in WW1 and WW2

Which spelling is correct - 'Remembrance Day' or 'remembrance Day'?

Remembrance day.

When is The Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2013?

Different countries have different days; In Israel Holocaust Remembrance Day was on April 7th, 2013, marking the day of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. The United Nations (International) Remembrance Day is on the 27th January, marking the Liberation of Auschwitz.