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In "White Fang" by Jack London, the other dog that disappeared was Lip-lip, who was bullied and tormented by White Fang and the other sled dogs before being killed by them in a fight.

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What breed was White Fang?

White Fang was a wolf-dog hybrid known as a wolfdog. He was a mix between a wolf and a domestic dog.

Who is White Fang in the book White Fang?

a sheep dog that could sniff his own balls

What kind of dog is white fang?

White Fang is a fictional wolf-dog hybrid in Jack London's novel "White Fang." His character is a mix of both wolf and dog, portraying the struggles and instincts of his wild nature in a human-dominated world.

Is Jed off of White Fang a dog?

In the movie, the dog who played White Fang (there were actually 2 dogs that played White Fang) but the main dog they used, Jed, was actually a mid-content wolfdog (to be exact, around 35-49%). The other dog they used was a low-content wolfdog, which meant he ranged anywhere from 34% wolf and down.

What is the climax of White Fang?

The climax of "White Fang" occurs when White Fang faces off against his nemesis, Beauty Smith, in a final showdown where White Fang emerges victorious, freeing himself from captivity and reclaiming his freedom. This moment symbolizes White Fang's transformation from a savage and fierce creature into a loyal and devoted companion.

Was White Fang white?

No, in the book white fang, the main Character (White Fang ) was not white. He was Grey. but he was named white fang only because white means pure or honest. well fang is the deadly teeth of your vitom.

How did Beauty Smith get White Fang?

Beauty Smith got White Fang by tricking Weedon Scott's father into selling him the wolf-dog for alcohol and money. Beauty Smith then abused and mistreated White Fang, using him for dog fights and exploiting his aggressive nature for profit.

What is the exposition in White Fang?

In "White Fang," the exposition introduces the setting and characters, including White Fang, a wolf-dog living in the harsh wilderness of the Yukon. It also sets the stage for the central conflict between White Fang's wild instincts and his growing relationship with humans.

Why is White Fang the best sled dog Weedon Scott has ever had?

White Fang is the best sled dog Weedon Scott has ever had because of his intelligence, strength, and loyalty. White Fang's natural instincts and ability to adapt to harsh conditions make him a valuable asset for Scott's sled team. Additionally, White Fang's bond with Scott goes beyond that of a typical master and dog, leading to a strong partnership and successful teamwork.

In White Fang how many puppies does the red dog and the gray wolf have?

The red dog, Collie, gives birth to three puppies, while the she-wolf, Kiche, gives birth to five puppies, with White Fang being one of them.

Who trained white fang?

White Fang was trained by Weedon Scott in the novel written by Jack London. Weedon Scott is a kind and patient character who treats White Fang with respect and love, helping the wolf-dog become more domesticated and loyal.

Who wrote the book White Fang?

The book "White Fang" was written by Jack London, an American author known for his adventure novels set in the natural world. "White Fang" follows the story of a wild wolf-dog's struggle for survival in the Yukon Territory.