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Q: What other geologic event could take place if the plates continue to grind against each other?
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What is covered with bony plates?

Ankylosaurs are covered in bony plates, which are effective protection against predators. Some had bony tail clubs that could be used as weapons, too.

Geologic processes can occur both gradually and suddenly?

Yes, because tectonic plates and glaciers move extremely slow, while a chunk of rock could break off a mountain or a chunk of ice from a glacier.

Does conservative plate boundary have continental plate in it?

not nescessarily. It could be two plates of any kind rubbing against each other. Sometimes it is two continental plates or one of each.

What happens with the earths surface to make an earthquake occur?

Many events could cause and earthquake but most common is when two or more tectonic plates rub against each other. Essentially the surface of the Earth (this includes underwater) is separated by large masses of earth called plates. These plates move and often rub against each other which causes earth quakes. The areas where plates meet are called faults. Volcanic eruptions could also cause earthquakes.

What does this information tell you about the geologic history of those areas?

Plant life could be used to interpret the geologic history of a location.

How can a volcano be constructive?

by two techtonic plates pushing up against each other and creting tension which when relised could create earthquakes or volcanoes

What geologic forces could destroy a fossil?

magma, ice, and water

What could be inferred from the geologic time taBLE?

no body perfet noo!!no no,,

What could be inferred from geologic time table?

lambirto royin ahahahahahahaha :)

When oceanic plates drop back away from continental plates what happens?

A few things could happen. The separation could leave a gap in the two plates, and if the plate is deep enough, magma could rise and cool. Also depending on how high the magma rises, it could either add to the land or add to the ocean floor, most likely the ocean floor. The continental plate may also continue to move with the oceanic plate, as the crust is resting on the wobbly viscous asthenosphere.

What happens when tectonic plates push against?

It could either cause Spreading boundaries (when the plates move apart), collision boundaries (Where one plate collides with the other forcing one underground- can cause volcano's, or transform boundaries (When plates scrape along side each other- causing Earthquakes.

What could be inferred in geologic time table?

beacuse eriiing gi gapos