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Tower Bridge, All Hallows Church, St Katherine's Dock, The Monument etc.

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Q: What other historical buildings are around the Tower of London?
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What are the famous historical buildings in London?

Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, St Pauls Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square. Just outside London is Hampton Court Palace and Windsor Castle.

What is the name of a group of buildings on the Thames river that served as a prison fortress and palace?

tower of London ....

How old ist the Tower of London?

There have been fortifications on the site of the Tower of London for around 2000 years. However, the buildings that can be seen today were started in the 11th century.

What are some important historical buildings in England?

Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Nelson's Column, Canterbury Cathedral, Fishbourne Roman Palace.

What are the ancient buildings of the City of London?

In the Tower of London there are ruins of Roman London so they are some of the oldest buildings/ruins in the city. The Tower itself has parts that are very old. Through out the city of London there are other bits and parts of Roman London.

How was the Tower of London created?

The Tower of London is a collection of buildings and structures which began in the early 1080's when William the Conqueror built a massive stone tower in the middle of his fortress in London. Over the following centuries many buildings, additional fortifications and modifications were added to form what is now collectively referred to as the Tower of London.

What are three famous buildings in London?

Buckingham Palace. The Tower of London. St. Paul's Cathedral.

What buildings are at London?

Big ben, Tower of London, Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, the Gherkin, the London Eye

When was the Tower of London started?

There have been fortifications on the site of the Tower of London for over 2000 years but the buildings as they appear today were begun in the 11th century.

What historical things happened in 1073?

The construction of the white tower, In London

Was the iron maiden used in the Tower of London?

Historical consensus is that the Iron Maiden usage is a hoax and therefore it was never used, not even in the Tower of London

Which were Henry the eighth's famous buildings?

A couple...Hampden court palace and tower of London