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Q: What other important sites do Muslims visit during the Haij?
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What other important sites do Muslims visit during He hajj?

Apart from performing Hajj at Mecca, the Muslim Hajis are supposed to visit Madina Munawara.

Why were the crusades fighting?

The Holy Lands are important to both the Christians and Muslims. The crusades began when the Muslims began denying Christians access to the sacred sites.

Why did Europe's Christians embark on pilgrimages To force Muslims from holy sites?

To force Muslims from holy sites

What do the Muslims do on the way to Mecca to do Hajj?

it is so they see some sites during this once in a life time opprunity

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Can a non Muslim religion citizen go to makka madina?

Non Muslims are forbidden from entering these areas as they are considered the most important site of all Islam. Only Muslims are permitted acceptance to these sites.

What percentage of Muslims in Iraq are Sunnis?

Roughly 30-35% of Iraq's Muslims are Sunnis.Iraq's Muslims follow two distinct traditions, Shia and Sunni Islam.According to the Encyclopædia Britannica, Iraq is 97% Muslim: 60-67% Shi'a, 33-40% Sunni.Iraq is home to many religious sites important for both Shia and Sunni Muslims.

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What City can non Muslims not enter?

Non-Muslims cannot visit the holy sites of Mecca in Saudia Arabia.

Are there any holy places in Jerusalem which are important to Christians and Muslims?

There are several Christian holy sites in Jerusalem. Probably the most important is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, but there is also the Via Dolorossa, Golgotha, Mount Zion, Tomb of the Virgin, Grotto of Gethsemane, the Chapel of the Ascension, and the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem at St. James Cathedral.There are two major important Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem, Masjid al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock Shrine.The Dome of the Rock Shrine covers the area of the Former Jewish Temple and therefore has tangential significance to Christianity, but Christians do not usually go there when they make pilgrimages to Jerusalem. Otherwise, the two religions share no holy sites in Jerusalem.

What religions contain holy sites?

Most religions have holy sites, including the Christians, Jews, Muslims and Catholics.

Why are religious sites important to Muslims One is Makkah Another one is Madinah The last one is Jerusalem.?

These sites are important because they were thought to be holy. Makah and Medina were the cities prophet Muhammad (sws) lived in as a child and as he grew up. As a result, the 2 cities were very important. Jerusalem is also a very special place and many miracles happened their