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You can measure most liquids in a tablespoon.

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10y ago

3 teaspoons equal 1 tablespoon.

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Q: What can you measure in tablespoon?
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How do you use tablespoon in a sentence?

I used a tablespoon to measure my flour.

How many tablespoon are in 10 grams of milk?

Since a gram is a measure of mass and a tablespoon is a measure of volume, the answer depends on what you are measuring.

How many grams are in a tablespoon in fractions?

A gram is a measure of weight, while a tablespoon is a measure of quantity or volume. The two are not directly compatible.

How many tablespoons does 8 grams equal?

A tablespoon is a measure of volume. Grams are a measure of mass (weight) One does not convert to the other. A tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of birdshot will weigh different amounts.

How many milligrams tablespoon can hold?

A tablespoon is a measure of volume, while a gram is a measure of weight. The two are not comparable unless you are measuring a specific substance.

Does a tablespoon you eat with equal a tablespoon?

It depends on the size of your tablespoon, but most likely it does not. The volume measure of 1 standard tablespoon is 4.9282159 milliliters or 4.9282159 cubic centimeters.

How many tablespoon in 26mm?

NONE, -'mm' is a'measure of length. Tablespoon is a measure of volume. There is no correlation at all.

How do you measure how much water a tablespoon holds?

the answer is 1 tablespoon = approx. 15ml

How many tablespoon are in 0.05 lbs?

Tablesppons are a measure of volume, lbs are a measure of weight

Are Canadian tablespoons the same as US tablespoon measure?


How do you measure 0.5tbsp?

Three teaspoons equal a tablespoon, so half a tablespoon would be 1 and 1/2 teaspoons.

How many millimetres does a tablespoon hold?

None. A millimetre is a measure of length or distance. The amount that a tablespoon can hold is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.