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Q: What other planet has a core similar to earths?
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What is the earths core similar to the Moon's core core?

i believe mantle rocks from earth to core .

What is the core of Venus' made of?

the core of venus is very similar to the core of earth, as it is earths twin planet. therefore the the core of venus is made of the same elements as earths core, iron and nickel, both magnetic and it is these elements that create our magnetic field.

Which planet is slightly smaller than the Earth's core?

Mercury is slightly smaller then the Earths Core. Mercury is believed to have been struck by a planet sized object billions of years ago which blew away everything but the core of the planet.(If Pluto was still a planet, Pluto would also be smaller than the Earth's core, but it was demoted to the status of a dwarf planet.)

Is it true that the moons average density is similar to the density of earths core?

No, I don't think...

What is a barysphere?

A barysphere is the central core of the Earth or any similar planet.

What is a liquid rock called?

A liquid rock is called magma when it is beneath the Earth's surface and lava when it reaches the surface through volcanic activity.

What on the planet earth is 7500 k for the temperature?

The Earths core is. And that would mean it is hotter than the Sun!!

Are you closer to the earths core or moons surface when standing at sea level?

Earth's core

How does the density of the Earths core compare to the other layers of the Earth?

The core is the densest layer.

How do the earths inner core and outer core interact with each other?

Because it does man.