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The Baroque Era.

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Q: What other political differences do you think may be based on age differences?
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Based on wasington's view of political differences what would his opinon of political parties be?

Washington made it very clear that he didn't like political parties. He was afraid that the party would not work for the common good of the country, but for its own political purpose. If we analyze the political parties today I think he has a point.

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Religious differences in society, i think

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Thoughts are based on knowledge and what you think and perception is a sense or intuition.

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Obtaining political goals by other than political means.

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1. That people's political opinions are many times based off of public opinion. 2. That people don't think through their political opinions thoroughly. 3. That there is a great division in the average political opinion.

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I am Syrian and I think that they are very similar. Differences are based on cities rather than region and tend to be the spices used and small details which sometimes have a big impact on the taste.

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People of different genders usually think similarly as relates to some matters. Political opinions are based on fundamental beliefs, therefore gender can cause many people of the same gender to on average think one way or another.

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no I haven't but I think other people have

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what you think the political issues should be about.

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I really do think that one is just faster than the other and more powerful.

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