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Q: What other species also populate the the community of blue whales?
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Do whales mate with other whales or other animals?

whales mate with other whales of the same species.

Do humpback whales attack other whales?

Humpback whales don't usually attack other species of whales. Killer Whales are the only whales known to do that.

What is a nichie in a community?

A niche in a community is the level at which a species ranks among other species in it's community.

How do pioneer species get the area ready for other plants?

When the pioneer species die, their remains are used as an anchor area and a nutrient source for the next species to populate the area.

Are black whales dangerous?

Black whales, also known as right whales, are only as dangerous as any other species of whale.

What is a killer whales family group or there type of species?

it is possibly dolfins and other killer whales and sharks.

What other species might be a variation of the Humpback Whale?

The blue, fin, minke, gray, and sperm whale. These whales are not only species that might be a variation of Humpback whales but are acknowledged to have interactions with Humpback whales.

What happen when organisms populate a new area and are isolated geographically from other populations of the same species?

The species will eventually evolve to be similar, but not exactly like the main species.

Do whales attack whales?

Yes Whale Can attack other whales, Orcas are known to attack and eat other whales, Some whales can attack cause of dominance or other reasons. Even Dolphins are known to attack other dolphins and porpoises of course.

How do killer whales interact with other living things in their community?

They speak using sonar

What do whales eat in Antarctica?

Whales eat krill, but sometimes other smaill animals are sucked in, such as fish. However, Orcas, (killer whales) eat other animals as it is a carnivore, and eats seals and sometimes small whales

How would it affect other species if the gray wolf was extinct?

By a lot, it would over populate all the animals that the gray wolf eats.By: Shamar Shqair