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Q: What other things got burned during the burning of Washington DC?
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What was the significance of the burning of Pennsylvania Hall by an angry mob of anti-abolitionists in 1838?

They burned it, burning things is the best way to get your point across

Why did ms.maudie's house get burned down?

She had the Furnace on since it was snowing at the time and the fire caught onto her things which caused the eventual burning down of her house. That's why.-Tangtom

Why do burned things turn red?

because its hot.No, not excactly. Burning things turn blue mostly, but red for oxygen

Why do fires have smoke?

The composition of smoke depends on the nature of the burning fuel and the conditions of combustion, for example, when paper/wood is burned, the smoke you see is those volatile hydrocarbons evaporating from the wood. Combustion causes things within the fuel, or object being burned, to evaporate - this is smoke.

What happened to Paris during the French revolution?

Many of the state buildings and palaces were broken into and things stolen, statues broken, and buildings burned.

Why is burned toast black?

Black is the color of the carbon that is left when other things are burned away.

Why does your hand gets burned when you touch hot things only?

You can also get burned by extreme cold!

Can coal be burned?

Yes Coal burning creates energy for everyday things. If you have ever seen TITANIC, there is a seen when working men shovel something inside firey pits - this is coal and it allows the ship to keep moving.

What can be burned?

Many elements can be burned. Virtually all the nonmetals (except the noble gasses), as well as many metals, such as magnesium, lithium, titanium, and many more. It all depends on how hot you can get it and what you consider burning. Anything will burn if it gets hot enough, though some things will turn to liquids, or even gasses, before they do.

What are three things that put carbon dioxide into the air by burning?

Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas)Burning trees (half a tree is carbon)Burning any garbage (most things on earth have large amounts of carbon in them)

How many calories are burned during digestion?

130-200 calories depending on the person and the meal

What happened during the american revolution-?

George Washington became the commander in chief of the Patriot forces. With the help of the French, Washington trapped the British at Yorktown and won the war.