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The only words I can think of are the best!!!!!

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13y ago

Terrible, horrible, horrid, atrocious, awful, dreadful, appalling, shocking, ghastly, horrific, unpleasant.

If any others are needed I suggest

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Q: What other words could you use instead of very bad?
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What other words could you use instead of very?

dingle berry

What other words could you use to describe very good?

You could use excellent to describe very good :)

What are words to use instead of 'are'?

There are not a lot of words to use instead of are, except other forms of "to be"--is, was, were. Normally you have to rewrite the sentence to find a more active verb. For example, my answer could be rewritten like this: Very few words exist that can replace are. Now the verbs in the sentence are "exist" and "replace." Sometimes it's difficult to avoid are, just like I did. I could rewrite the sentence again: Now I have used the verbs "exist" and "replace" instead of the "are." As long as you use mainly active verbs, an occasion are will not hurt your writing.

If you steal a car is that a life sentence?

Not in less you killed or very severely harmed an individual while doing it. Still, I don't believe it is worth any sentence. In other words, work for what you want instead of trying to take it from someone who has.Not in less you killed or very severely harmed an individual while doing it. Still, I don't believe it is worth any sentence. In other words, work for what you want instead of trying to take it from someone who has.Not in less you killed or very severely harmed an individual while doing it. Still, I don't believe it is worth any sentence. In other words, work for what you want instead of trying to take it from someone who has.Not in less you killed or very severely harmed an individual while doing it. Still, I don't believe it is worth any sentence. In other words, work for what you want instead of trying to take it from someone who has.Not in less you killed or very severely harmed an individual while doing it. Still, I don't believe it is worth any sentence. In other words, work for what you want instead of trying to take it from someone who has.Not in less you killed or very severely harmed an individual while doing it. Still, I don't believe it is worth any sentence. In other words, work for what you want instead of trying to take it from someone who has.

What is another word for upcoming?

Other words for in the near future are very soon or within a short time. For example, instead of saying "We'll be needing a new car in the near future" you could say "We'll be needing a new car very soon."

Words that can be used instead of lot?

words such as multiple, huge amounts, very many and more then ____

What does language mean in language arts?

It means to use other words instead of your words to express what you are saying. For Example: Its raining cats and dogs. This is figurative language because it expresses that it is raining very hard.

What does figuraurtive language mean in language arts?

It means to use other words instead of your words to express what you are saying. For Example: Its raining cats and dogs. This is figurative language because it expresses that it is raining very hard.

What words can you use instead of viable?

In business, we could say feasible, possible -- e.g. That's not a viable/feasible/possible solution. A modern but very informal alternative is doable -- meaning something which we can do.

What are some other words for very?


What are some other words for commute?

There are very few other words or synonyms for commute. These include the words drive and go back and forth.

What other words can you use than very?
