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Q: What others things were created and utilized during World War 2 through mass production?
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President Hoover created pro labor policies during the Great Depression. The labor policies that were created froze wages and increased production.

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The WPB, or War Production Board, was established in the United States for the purpose of supervising war production during the Second World War. It was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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The Production Budget for Life During Wartime was $4,500,000.

What is the main photopigment utilized by plants during photosynthesis?

The main photo-pigment utilized by plants during photosynthesis is chlorophyll a.However,there are other photo pigments such as chlorophyll b and accessory photo pigments like Beta-carotene, and xanthophylls.

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The introduction of power-driven machinery and the development of factory organization.

What is the gas released during cellular respiration?

CO2 is released as bi product.Oxygen is utilized in reaction.