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Excedrin does.

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Q: What over the counter medication for headaches contain caffeine?
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Do headache medicines contain caffeine?

Many over-the-counter and behind-the-counter analgesics formulated specifically for headache contain caffeine. In the USA, probably the best known of these is Excedrin. Also, composition tablets known as "Tylenol #1" and "Tylenol #2" in the USA, and as "Compound 222" in Canada, contain caffeine in addition to aspirin and small dosages of codeine. Caffeine arguably works for to relieve certain headaches: those associated with caffeine withdrawal. The efficacy of caffeine in other headache types is controversial.

Which paracetamol tablet does not contain caffeine?

Paracetamol can come with or without caffeine in it. Sometimes it can contain codeine. I believe over the counter paracetamol comes without caffeine.

Does reishi coffee contain caffeine?

Yes, reishi coffee still contains caffeine, although most varieties are low-acid and dark roasted which makes them have less caffeine than other varieties. In addition, the reishi mushroom is an andrenal supporter so it will counter the effects of caffeine on the system and help avoid jitters and headaches when drinking coffee.

How can I get relief from stress headaches?

Stress headaches, also called tension headaches, can be treated by taking an over the counter medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You could also consider taking a stress management course.

Will over-the-counter headache medicine lose its effectiveness if taken daily to relieve chronic headaches?

It can, especially if it contains caffeine. Daily ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin (Bayer) can cause damage to the stomach lining, and using acetaminophen daily, in particular if you also drink alcohol, can cause damage to the liver. To reduce the risk of stomach problems, take buffered products, such as Migralex. However, the real concern with taking OTC medication daily is that you could be causing your own chronic headaches. When you take an abortive headache medication with caffeine (Excedrin, Anacin, BC Powder, Quick Release Crystals) more than 2-3 days a week, you can develop rebound headaches. Rebound - because once the medication leaves your system, the headache always returns. Medication Overuse Headaches are particularly insidious in relation to migraines, because not only can you develop Chronic Daily Headache, but until you remove the offending medication for 6 weeks to 3 months, no preventative medication will work. Rebound headaches can be caused by caffeine (dietary or in medications), by narcotic medications, and by barbiturates. Rebound headache are much less common with aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. In fact, taking aspirin may prevent medication overuse headaches.

What energy products contain caffeine?

Over-the-counter caffeine brands include No Doz, Overtime, Pep-Back, Quick-Pep, Caffedrine, and Vivarin.

Can you take sinus medication and over the counter arthritis medication at the same time?

Probably, but check to make sure that the sunus medication and arthritis med don't both contain the same analgesic for pain.

Are there any over-the-counter psychostimulants?

caffeine, works great

Why does coffee cause migraine?

If a person is used to a certain amount of caffeine intake daily, and they suddenly switch to decaf coffee, their body may experience headaches as their body begins to adjust to a lowered intake of caffeine. These are called caffeine withdrawal headaches. These headaches have the dilated blood vessel component that occurs with migraines (because daily caffeine had been constricting your blood vessels and now it isn't), while also carrying with it the muscle pain component of tension headaches, causing pressure to be felt around the shoulders, neck, and scalp.

What drug class does caffeine belong to?

The biggest use of caffeine is as a stimulant drug. People drink coffee and other drinks with caffeine to stay awake. Doctors sometimes use caffeine as a medicine like for example: headaches and head pain. Caffeine is sometimes given to people after lumber puncture, caffeine was found to relieve hunger so it was used for loss. That did not last because people were using to much. Caffeine can be a very dangerous drug when not used in the right way. Caffeine also has medicinal properties it is used in many over the counter medicines. Caffeine can help to alleviate headaches and cramps.

What can one do for chronic headaches?

If one is suffering from a chronic headache, they can treat it using one of many methods. One option is to treat it with over the counter tension headache medication, such as Excedrin or Tylenol.

How do I get rid of a headache?

For mild headaches, you can take an over-the-counter medication called paracetamol, or a similar painkiller. Your pharmacist will be able to advise you.There are also vapour-based rubs that you can rub on your temples and forehead, but these are hit and miss as their effectiveness depends on where the headache is exactly.For strong headaches or migraines which don't go after taking over the counter painkillers, you need to see a doctor, in order to get a prescription for stronger medication.Constant headaches for no apparent reason is an early warning sign of cancerous tumours. So if you get headaches "too" often, see a doctor.