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That depends on the type of fish your keeping.

As a general rule tetras and corydora's and angelfish and many others tend to prefer soft (meaning a low amount of dissolved minerals) acidic (meaning pH lower than 7.0) water. 7.0 meaning the water is neutral and neither acidic or alkaline (meaning pH above 7.0).

Most african cichlids species though prefer hard alkaline water. Hard meaning high content of dissolved minerals in the water.

So it's more dependent of the species of fish you wish to keep. The best thing to do is search through Google about the type of fish you want. This will often tell you what the best pH range is and which species are compatible.

But I would also point out that fish are very hardy animals given clean living conditions. There is always a maximum low or high point for most fish, but most fish are able to adapt to water conditions that they are not native to.

But for some species pH is almost a must. Like I said just do your research on the species you want to keep, and you'll get more specific answers.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Fish do not have a pH, only a liquid can have a pH.

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13y ago

The recommended pH level for the average Goldfish would be around 7.2 to about 7.6, just like most Freshwater Fish.

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14y ago

pH7 to pH7.2 is good for Goldfish

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It depends on the fish.

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Q: What is the pH level for tropical fish?
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What the pH the water should be for tropical fish to survive?

Different species of tropical fish require different pH settings. Generally, a tropical fish will thrive in a pH of between 6.5 to 7.5.

What to do to control the PH of the water for tropical fish?

There are a couple of things you can do to control the pH of the water for tropical fish. You can for example drain the water and start over.

What pH should the water be for tropical fish?

they vary on species and lake or river of species.

Why should the pH for tropical fish be 7?

When setting up an aquarium we must allways try and simulate the fish's natural environment as best as possible. If a fish is found in water with a PH range of 6.0 - 7.0 that will be the range we would try and keep with-in an aquarium. As for the question "Why should the pH for tropical fish be 7" that is a bit of a trick question as different tropical fish have different PH ranges.

Why is a low pH level bad for fish?

It shouldn't. A pH of 5.5 is much too acid to keep tropical fish. The only fish that will survive at this pH are species that are specifically adapted to very acid water, such as chocolate gouramis and some tetras. If you want to keep tropical fish, you will need to buffer the pH by adding something like oxy blocks to your water.

Why dous the PH have to be 5.5 so the tropical fish survive?

The pH in tropical systems should never be that low. Tropical systems need a pH of around 7.8-8.4. Always a little high with higher salinity and temperatures as well.

What pH should the water be in order for tropical fish to survive?

It is better for the fish to be put in water that it was found in.

What is eating your tropical fish?

More often than not it the larger fish in your tank, check your PH and nitrates.

At what pH do fish in lake ecosystems fail to reproduce?

While the exact pH level for fish reproduction varies between species, a pH level below 6.0-6.5 reduces the ability of fish to reproduce.

What is the highest pH level a tropical freshwater tank that is 10 gallons be at?

It depends on the type of fish and plants that are in the aquarium. For most tetras, danios and swordplants, a pH of 6 is preferred. For guppies, platies, swordtails, hornworts and cichlids, a pH of 8 is ideal.

What PH th4e water for tropical fish to survive?

It depends on what type of tropical fish you are intending to keep; it ranges from 6 (freshwater & discus) to 8.5 (for cichlids).

What is the level of oxygen tropical fish need to survive?

it depends on the fish.