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Q: What pH level of soil does mango tree needs?
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Why can't mango tree grow in hard soil?

mangos are orange

What is the difference between coconut tree and mango tree?

The difference of mango tree and coconut tree is the mango is sweet and the coconut tree is delicious.....and the mango is yellow and no to much big and the coconut tree is green and that is big

Which came first mango tree or seed?

mango tree

What is the ISBN of The Mango Tree?

The ISBN of The Mango Tree is 0002215861.

What is the correct grammatical sentence -a mango on a tree?

"A mango on a tree" is not a sentence, because it is not a complete thought. It could be part of a variety of sentences. One example would be, I see a mango on a tree. Or, There is a mango on a tree. Or that bird is perched next to a mango on a tree.

How much water a mango tree needs in order to stay healthy when it is flowering?

It needs at least 1 gallon of water a week.

How many pages does The Mango Tree have?

The Mango Tree has 211 pages.

What is a mango tree used for?

The mango tree to good for producing mangos

What is function of mango tree?

The function of a mango tree is to produce mango fruit, which are tropical fruits native to India.

Is a mango tree a dicotyledon or monocotyledon?

a mango tree is a weird looking tree and it is nice to eat it

What type of soil does a juniper tree grow in the best?

It needs a fast good draining soil

How do you care for a cumquait tree?

A Kumquat tree needs full sun and well drained soil. You will need to keep the soil moist but not soggy.