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Q: What page did the boy with the birthmark get lost?
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What happens with the fire What happens to the boy with mulberry colored birthmark?

The fire catches most of the island on fire, and the boy with the mulberry colored birthmark, is assumed dead.

How do piggy and the boy with the birthmark contribute to the rise of fear among the boy in this chapter?

At first the boy with the birthmark said he saw the beast when he was actually just dreaming and then he miseriously disappears when he actually dies in a fire the boys made that got out of hand

Why does the boy with the birthmark in the novel Lord of the Flies want to speak?

The boy with the birthmark wants to speak because he is holding the conch, a symbol of authority and the right to speak during their meetings. In the novel "Lord of the Flies", the conch represents order and civilization, so the boy with the birthmark is trying to assert his right to address the group.

How does the little boy with the birthmark describe the snake in lord of the flies?

he dies in a fire.

What worry does piggy have at the end of chapter two?

one of the little kids was not there and he thinks he was caught in the forest fire.

How does piggy treat the boy with the birthmark What does that tell us about piggy?

Piggy treats the boy with the birthmark with empathy and concern, trying to comfort him and make him feel included. This shows that Piggy is kind-hearted, compassionate, and sensitive to the feelings of others, even in challenging circumstances.

Why does the boy with the birthmark on his face die in lord of the flies?

becasue it symbolizes the beginning of the tension between the boys, they were fighting (piggy and jack) and they lost control of the fire and they bear the consequences. its their first reality check of the issue but is soon forgotten thoughout the novel.

When was Lost Boy created?

Lost Boy was created in 2009.

What is an example sentence using the word birthmark?

She was born with a cute heart shaped birthmark on her wrist.

How do the boys react when they realize the boy with the birthmark missing?

The boys initially show shock and disbelief when they realize the boy with the birthmark is missing. They begin to doubt their own safety and question the existence of the beast on the island. This event marks a turning point in the boys' perception of their situation.

Where is Selena's birthmark?

Her birthmark is near her stomach.

Where is michael jackson's birthmark?

The closest thing he had to a birthmark was a mole on his cheek. He did not have an actual birthmark though.