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Montag shows Mildred the books on page 75 in Fahrenheit 451.

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Q: What page in Fahrenheit 451 does montage shows mildred the books?
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What did Montag show Mildred after the captain left the house?

Montag showed Mildred the books he had been hiding behind the ventilator grille. He wanted her to understand why he had been acting differently and wanted to share the knowledge he had gained from reading. Mildred was shocked and ultimately betrayed Montag by reporting him to the authorities.

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Mildred passes the time while overdosing on pills by watching TV and listening to the radio in her parlour. She also interacts with the walls and objects in her room, feeling as if they are alive and holding conversations with her.

In Fahrenheit 451 What is unusual about how the men go about helping mildred?

In "Fahrenheit 451", the men use a machine to pump Mildred's stomach and give her a blood transfusion to save her from a suicide attempt. This is unusual because it shows a lack of emotional connection or genuine concern for Mildred's well-being, instead treating her as a problem to be fixed mechanically.

In the novel Fahrenheit 451 what does Mildred do all day?

Mildred spends her days watching interactive TV shows called "parlor walls" and interacting with her "family" of characters, neglecting real human connection. She is immersed in a shallow and superficial world, disconnected from her own emotions and from those around her.

Linear voltage of thermocouple 20mv to 50mv temperature between 750 to 1250 degree Fahrenheit how much voltage will be generated at 1000 degree Fahrenheit?

If 20 mV shows 750 degrees Fahrenheit and 50 mV shows 1250 degrees Fahrenheit then 35 mV will show 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which temperature scale shows water freezing at 32 degrees?

The Fahrenheit scale.

What temperature scale shows water freezing at 32 degrees?

It is the Fahrenheit scale.

Who published Jeff Kinney books?

Amulet Books did. It shows it on all Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.

How does Mildred react when Montag confronts her?

Mildred becomes defensive and dismissive when Montag confronts her about her disconnection and dissatisfaction with their lives. She is more concerned with her TV shows and technology than engaging in a meaningful conversation with Montag. Mildred chooses to avoid confronting the reality of their relationship and the society they live in.

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In fahrenheit 451 are montag's actions believable motivated?

Yes, Montag's actions in "Fahrenheit 451" are believable and motivated. His transformation from a compliant firefighter to a rebel who questions censorship and seeks knowledge is driven by his growing dissatisfaction with the oppressive society he lives in, as well as his interactions with Clarisse and his wife Mildred. The novel effectively shows his internal struggles and evolving beliefs that lead him to challenge the status quo.

Why do you think that Bradbury would introduce Clarisse before montage's wife Mildred?

Introducing Clarisse first helps to establish a contrast between her curious and free-spirited nature with Montag's more conformist and numb existence with Mildred. This strategic introduction allows Bradbury to highlight the stark differences in character, setting the stage for Montag's transformation as he interacts more with Clarisse.