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Manor Farm appears on several pages. The first page to mention Manor Farm is page 5. Some other pages that mention Manor Farm are 19, 22, 34, 56, and 112.

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Q: What page is manor farm mentioned in the novel Animal Farm?
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What is the original name of the farm which is the setting of the novel Animal Farm?

Originally, the farm was known as 'Manor Farm' but after the animals rebelled against their owner, Mr. Jones, they changed the name of the farm to Animal Farm. Then, in the end, the pigs changed the name back to Manor Farm, signifying that only the aggressor had changed, not the situation.

Compare manor farm from the beginning of the story to the end?

Manor Farm in the beginning of the story is similar to how it is at the end on the story, however, in the beginning, the farm is controlled by humans, and at the end, the farm is controlled by animals. Animal Farm is a novel written by George Orwell.

What is the story of Animal Farm?

it is a farm called Manor farm (a.k.a Animal Farm) somewhere in England near a town called Willingdon. It is between at least two farmers. Looking at the tools that was mentioned, it is about 19th century.

What is the name of the farm at the end of Animal Farm?

After first being named Manor Farm, then Animal Farm, the farm eventually ends up being named The Manor Farm.

What is Animal Farm's setting of the story?

it is a farm called Manor farm (a.k.a Animal Farm) somewhere in England near a town called Willingdon. It is between at least two farmers. Looking at the tools that was mentioned, it is about 19th century.

In Animal Farm who owned manor farm and what was his affliction?

Mr. Jones owned Manor Farm and his affliction was being an alcholic

Who owns manor farm in Animal Farm?

Mr. Jones.

What does the farmhouse represent in Animal Farm?

Manor Farm represents Russia after they changed their name from USSR.

Describe the rebellion of Animal Farm?

The Rebellion occurred in the fictional setting of Manor Farm in George Orwell's Animal Farm. Manor Farm was owned by Mr. Jones, an irresponsible farmer that starved his animals and treated them cruelly.The boar of Manor Farm, Old Major, told the animals that it was time to rise against Jones and start their own animal utopia.The Rebellion occurred when the animals drove Mr. and Mrs. Jones out of Manor Farm along with Moses, the raven. Manor Farm was subsequently renamed as "Animal Farm".

Who was the first animal that died on Animal Farm?

The first animal to die on the farm (while it's still known as "Manor Farm") is Old Major. The first animal to die after the farm was renamed "Animal Farm" is a sheep in the Battle of the Cowshed.

What was the new name for animal farm at the end of the book?

Manor farm yhu idiot xd

What is the final sentence by napoleon in Animal Farm?

" Gentlemen, here is my toast: To the prosperity of The Manor Farm!" .