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Napoleon wrote "Le souper de Beaucaire" (The supper of Beaucaire).

This pamphlet is drawn up in the form of dialogue between five travelers staying at an inn.

Two merchants of Marseille are trying to convince their companion, a soldier, a manufacturer and a citizen of Nimois about how justified the rebellion of their city against the revolutionary government of Paris were.

The discussion has ups and downs, but at the end the soldier gains the upper hand, arguing that Marsiglia citizens, independently of the suffered wrongs, don't have any justification in involving the country in an internal civil struggle while it is already seriously engaged in an awful war against the foreign enemy.

Therefore every refusal to obey to the central government should be treated as an act of treason.

In other words the booklet was a political pamphlet, against the hostile populations of the southern France, whose task was that of confute the reasons of which their revolts were based upon.

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Q: What pamphlet did Napoleon write in July 1793 that led him gain the support of Maximilien Robespierre?
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