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The cells themselves do not play a role, but they produce enzymes to facilitate digestion by breaking down larger molecules into smaller ones.

It is a gland producing above mentioned enzymes externally (in to the lumen of the bowl) and internally (to the blood stream) Insulin/Glucagon.

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12y ago

the liver produces bile to break down fats,and filter toxins.. the pancreas creates vital enzymes such as amylase.8.D

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Q: What pancreatic cells aid in digestion?
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What are Pancreatic cells?

Pancreatic cells are the cells that make up your pancreas. The answer is basically in the question.

What is the chemical responsible for half of protein digestion and all of fat digestion?

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Are pancreatic stem cells a plant cell?

No. Plants do not have a pancreas, so pancreatic stem cells are not plant cells. Only animals have a pancreas, so all pancreatic stem cells are animals cells.

Can digestion occur without pancreatic juice?

Digestion can occur without pancreatic juice, but it would be much less efficient, unless it was replaced by some suitable enzyme pills.

What is the exocrine portion of the pancreas composed of?

There are 2 main types: duct cells and acinar cells. The acinar cells synthesize the enzymatic component of pancreatic secretions (pancreatic lipase, pancreatic proteases, and pancreatic amylase). The duct cells secrete the the aqueous component, which is primarily bicarbonate, though the concentration changes with flow rate and stage of digestion (cephalic, gastric, intestinal).

Does bile breaks down fat?

No bile does not break down fat. Bile salts only aid in digestion of lipids(fats) by emulsifying them. Pancreatic lipase breaks down the lipids.

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An antipeptone is a product of gastric and pancreatic digestion, differing from hemipeptone in not being decomposed by the continued action of pancreatic juice.