

Best Answer

Bounty paper towels are strong and durable and great for cleaning.

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Q: What paper towel brand is the most effective for use while cleaning?
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What paper towel brand is the best for cleaning up?

only bounty

What is the weakest paper towel?

Sparkle is the weakest paper towel brand not bounty

Which brand of paper towel is the strongest?

the strongest paper towel brand is Kleenex and viva..

Which paper towel is the weakest?

walmart brand

Which paper towel is the cheapest?

Store brand paper towel is the cheapest but the quality is not the best. Good Luck :)

Which paper towel can absorb the most liquid Bounty or Publix brand?

Bounty paper towel

When cleaning a juice spill with a paper towel why does the liquid stick to the paper towel?

Because, when cleaning juice, the CHRISTMAS ORANGES COME AND ATTACK THE PAPER which makes it stick. so uhm, yeah. there ya go.

What is the most purchased paper towel brand in the US?

The most purchased paper towel brand in the US is generally the least expensive brand or the store brand. Of the major brands, Brawny is the top selling brand in the US.

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