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I agree that most forms of Christianity believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but not all Christians believe that Jesus and Almighty God is the same person and that a 3rd part of this person is the Holy Spirit, or so-called Holy Ghost. When Jesus was on earth he imitated the behavior and reflected the attitude of his Father. Several scriptures in the Gospels record Jesus words as saying "I and the Father are one"... although some Christians take this as literally meaning that Jesus and Almighty God are one person or being... Jesus also stated in the model prayer which demonstrated not just how he wanted his follower to pray but also how he himself prayed saying at Matthew 6:9 "Our Father in the heavens" meaning that Jesus respected his Creator calling him by this designation "Our Father" and he wanted his followers, as demonstrated in the model prayer, to respect his Creator as well as calling him by this same designation "Father"... also he said "let his father's name be sanctified, or be made holy", or set apart as something sacred, which the Hebrews scriptures at PS 83:18 states "you whose name is Jehovah, art the Most High, over all the earth"... this is the name that Jesus and his disciples used although it would have been slightly different in Hebrew, possibly Yahweh (from the Tetragrammaton letters YHWH) and the name that Jesus stated should be called upon in prayer and given the highest form of respect

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Q: What part does god play in Christianity?
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