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Q: What part in pupil reflex of coordinator?
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What part of in pupil reflex for stimulus?

The stimulus in the pupil reflex would be light

What is the consensual reflex of the pupil?

the pupil gets smaller because there is an abundance of light present.

Is a pupil autonomic reflex?


In the experiment on the photopupillary reflex what happened to the pupil of the nonilluminated eye?

Pupil Dilates

What does the ciliospinal reflex do to the pupil of the eye?

The pupil dilates when stimulated by the pinching on the nape of the neck.

What part of brain controls pupil dilation?

Edinger-Westphal nucleus of the brainstem controls the pupil reflex. An ER doctor who looks at the response to a pen light is checking on brain stem activity.

How does the pupil shrinking reflex protct the eye?

it makes the eye explode that is what it does

Is the pupil a reflex or voluntary?

Pupils reacts to light, narrowing in bright light and widening in poor light - so is a reflex action.

Where are the reflexes such as blinking and pupil reflex centered at?

superior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina

Is the response of your pupil a reflex or a voluntary action?

The constriction of pupils in response to bright light is called the pupillary light reflex. If the light is shining directly into one eye, then the pupil in that eye will constrict (a direct response), but so will the pupil in the non-illuminated eye (a consensual response).This reflex involves two cranial nerves: the optic nerve, which senses the light, and the oculomotor nerve, which constricts both pupils. It is considered involuntary since you don't think about it.

What is a list of ten involuntary movements?

Sneezing, coughing, heart racing, peristalsis, pupil contraction, shivering, eructation, flatulence, patellar reflex, Babinsky reflex.

What is the part in reflex in the response?

Reflex action is your body's reflex against injury. It is needed in every part of your body.