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Q: What part of FOXGLOVE is used in medicine?
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What plants are used in heart medicine?

plants which are mostly used for heart medicines are Digitalis commonly referred to as foxglove , Ephedra sinica , Allium sativum (garlic), Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha).

What parts of the Chinese foxglove plant are used for medicinal purposes?

Chinese foxglove root is collected in the fall.

Are the leaves of foxglove yield the drug cortisone?

Shawn ulrich herculesx: Foxglove is used to make the Heart Medications in the Digoxin Family!

How do you extract digitalis from foxglove?

Digitalis, which is a very prominent heart medicine is extracted from Foxgloves. From what I can remember the seeds are used, which means that the extraction process is probably manual compression followed by distillation

Was digitalis know in Ancient Egypt?

The foxglove plant (digitalis) is a native of western Europe, west Africa, northwestern and central Asia, but not to Egypt. The ancient Egyptian language has no word for the foxglove or its medicine, indicating that it was unknown even in its medicinal form.

Is foxglove a source of a cancer-treatment?

Foxglove is a source of digitalis, a medication used in the treatment of heart disease. It has no reported efficacy in the treatment of any cancer.

What are the precautions associated with using foxglove?

Not to be used. Foxglove is deadly, it can make the heart stop or cause a person to suffocate. Not to be confused with comfrey, a similar looking plant.

What parts of the foxglove plant have medicinal purposes?

The dried leaves, ripe dried seeds, and fresh leaves of the one-year-old plant, or the leaves of the two-year old plant are the parts that were used in medicine.

What is digitalin used for?

Although all parts of the foxglove plant are toxic, it is used in modern medicine for heart conditions, as it is the plant from which digitalin is extracted, which is used for treating heart disease. Digitalin increases the force of heart contractions and so helps in congestive heart failure.

Where do foxglove plants come from?

The foxglove comes from Ireland

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