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bullfrogs can be found throughout the state....anywhere theres water...there will be bullfrogs. especially if theres no fish population. i catch most of mine in the howard county area of the patapsco river. nice frogs....but not as nice as the ones found in the swampy areas where there is no fish. if youre not sure...just pull off the side of the road after dark, by a local pond or wetland that never dries out, or river and just listen for a few minutes. during summer months of course. when you hear em youll know exactly what it is.

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13y ago

Bullfrogs prefer to live near water. And in warm climates.

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What part of NC do bullfrogs live?

Try looking in the marches.

Do bullfrogs live in a desert?

Yes, bullfrogs live in the desert but must have permanent water, such as a river.

Do bullfrogs lay live young or eggs?

Bullfrogs lay a spawn of eggs.

Are bullfrogs still in England?

No but America is the most popular country bullfrogs live in

What are a bullfrogs adaptation?

They live in Antartica.

Were do bullfrogs live in the world?

bull frogs can live in basicly any part of the world but not all of them are the exact same everyone has to adapt to it's environment

Do bullfrogs live in the desert?

no they don't they need water to live.

Does a bullfrogs burrow in the ocean?

Yes, bullfrogs in fact burrow in oceans. They live together in groups monaphlins.

Do bullfrogs have live babies or do they have eggs?


Do bullfrogs live in Winnipeg?

No, Winnipeg is not in the natural habitat range of bullfrogs. There are many other types of frogs in manitoba, but not bullfrogs, unless they have been imported form elsewhere.

Where do American bullfrogs live?

swamps, ponds, and lakes

What kind of habitat do bullfrogs need to live in?
