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Verlie Corwin

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2y ago
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The legend, or key.

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Q: What part of a graph can be used to explain what data bars or pie chart sections represents?
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Which part of graph can be used to explain what data bars or pie chart sections represents?


Which of a graph can be used to explain what data bars or pie chart sections represent?

It is the key or legend.

Which part of the graph can be used to explain what data bars or pie chart sections?

It is the legend or key.

Which part of the graph can used to explain what data bars or pie chart sections represent?


Which part a graph can be used to explain what data bars or pie chart sections represent?

The legend or key.

What is the purpose of charts and graphs?

Charts and graph is an amazing visual tool to explain a concept to an audience. Since many people are more visual, seeing a graph or chart that represents the information can help people visualize the concept.

Scentific definition of a circle graph?

circle graph= a graph that represents data using sections of a circle. The sum of the percents in a circle graph is 100o/o

A graph that shows information as parts of a circle is a?

A pie chart is a type of graph that shows data as parts of a circle. Each section of the pie represents a proportion of the whole data set. The size of each slice is proportional to the quantity it represents.

What is a graph in Excel?

A graph in Microsoft Excel is pretty much anything ranging from a simple dot on a graph to a pie chart to a bubble chart to pretty much any of the charts in the drop-down menu.

What is a categorical data graph?

It is usually a bar chart where each bar represents a different category.

How a bar graph is different form a chart?

a bar graph is a graph and a chart is a chart

Which part of a graph can be used to explain what bars or pie charts sections represent?

The legend, or key.