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There is no junction. Motor neurons are riddled throughout the muscle spindles. Every muscle spindle has a nerve supply or it would not function. think about the way capilaries infiltrate mucles, it's pretty finite. when you are talking about the neurons you are talking about a finite thing, there are billions of them in your body.

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9y ago

The neuromuscular junction is the point where the motor neuron terminates on the skeletal muscle. It is a synapse, or gap.

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Q: What part of a muscle fiber junctions with a motor neuron?
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Includes the axon terminal of a motor neuron plus the motor end plate of a muscle fiber. Is where the axons of motor nerves meet the muscle & transmit messages from the brain which cause the muscle to contract & relax.

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Neuromuscular Junction

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Neuromuscular junction (NMJ)

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Which two structures approach each other at a neuromuscular junction?

The motor neuron and the muscle fiber approach each other.