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the stem

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Q: What part of a plant could be considered to highway for getting water and nutrients to the leaves?
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What part of the plant could be considered the highway for getting water and nutrients to the leaves explain how this happens?


What is the highway for getting water and nutrients to the leaves?

the stem

What part of the plant is considered the highway for getting water and nutrients to the leaves?

Because not only is it is it supplimenting nutrients to rhe plant itself it also returns the vital nutrients back the other way. It's a two lane highway for 18-whellers N&S

Do leaves carry nutrients?

The answer to your question is no. But if you mean do leaves have nutrients or are leaves nutrional then yes. They do but they are the best way to get nutrients. It would be smarter to eat something else. Along the lines of nutrients and leaves though leaves make their own nutrients throught the process of photosynthesis.

Where do grasshoppers get there nutrients from?

they get there nutrients from grass ,leaves ,cereals

Does baby lettuce leaves take the nutrients from large leaves?

No. They take their nutrients from the soil through the roots.

What part of the flowering plant supports the leaves and transports water and water and nutrients to the leaves?

The stems or trunks of flowering plants support the leaves and carry water and nutrients to the leaves

What does a plants leaves do?

bring in nutrients

What process allows fungi to obtain nutrients from dead leaves?

What process allows fungi to obtain nutrients from dead leaves?Read more: What_process_allows_fungi_to_obtain_nutrients_from_dead_leaves

What carriers water and dissolved nutrients from the roots to the leaves?

water and dissolved nutrients

Lime green leaves on cannabis plant 1 month and a Week into growth?

Your plant may not be getting the proper nutrients or enough sun light.

What is the stem of a plant?

The stalk or stem provides the leaves/flowers with nutrients and water from the ground. The leaves provide the roots with nutrients from the air and sun.