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Q: What part of a root hair cell takes water out of the ground?
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What cell helps to take water out of the ground?

Root hair cells

What plant cell takes water out of the ground?

the root of the plant sucks up water and nutrients from the soil

Where is a hair cell found?

growing hair

What does a hair cell do?

it absorbes water

How is root hair cell different from the plant cell?

one Carries water and hair dosent

What is the structure of root hair cells?

The root hair cells has a special structure to help it absorb water from the soil efficiently. 1. Elongated structure that protrudes out to the soil - This is to increase the surface area to volume ratio; thereby increasing the rate of uptake of water from the soil to the cell. 2. Large vacuole - The root hair cell has a large vacuole to maximize the amount of water capacity of the cell; thus, the cell is able to absorb and store more water. 3. Cell sap - The cell sap of the root hair cell has a lower water potential than the water in the soil. Thus, the water from the soil moves into the cell via osmosis.

What passes through the cell membrane in a root hair cell?

water and mineral salts are obtained in the soil and are absorb by the root hair cell

What is the function of root hair cell?

The function of the root hair cell in plant is to absorb water and mineral salts.

What does the hair cells do?

it absorbs water and is a plant cell

What does the root hair cell do?

it absorbs water and is a plant cell

What are the hair- like growths on the roots for?

I am just telling what I believe they are for. I can be completely wrong. I thinks hair like growth on the plants is what also help anchors the roots into the ground , as well that could be a way the root system takes water in.

Why does water move from the soil into the root hair cell?
