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It is a possessive noun. It tells us the plan belongs to God

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Q: What part of speech is God's in God's plan?
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What part of speech is plan in This could be an effective plan?

Plan is a noun in that sentence.

What part is speech is planning?

Planned is a verb. It's the past tense of plan.

What part of speech is planned?

Planned is a verb. It's the past tense of plan.

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Here stop is a verb. verb + to + verb - plan + to + stop

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Plans is a noun (plural form of plan) and a verb (third person singular conjugation of plan).

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A preposition.

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In grammar, a "draft" refers to a preliminary version or plan of a written document or speech. It can also refer to the act of pulling or drawing in a particular direction.

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Yes it was gods plan.

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Fourteen points

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None of them were. On June 19, the day after Hamilton's infamous speech, Madison mercilessly tore apart the New Jersey plan and said nothing about Hamilton's plan, which sent it to oblivion.

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TO contrive, plan, or elaborate; invent from existing principles or ideas: to devise a method.