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"Discreet" is an adjective.

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Q: What part of speech is discreet?
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What does discreet?

I think discreet means judicious in one's conduct or speech. Yes, it does.careful and prudent in one's speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment: we made some discreet inquiries.• intentionally unobtrusive: a discreet cough.It means to be able to judge how to speak or act properly (in a socially acceptable way) in certain situations, or act in order to go unnoticed.

What is discreet personality?

A discreet personality refers to an individual who is cautious and tactful in their behavior, speech, and interactions with others. They tend to keep private information confidential and are not overly open or showy in their actions.

What are the homonyms of decrease?

The homonyms of "decrease" are "discreet" and "discrete." "Discreet" means careful and tactful in one's actions or speech, while "discrete" means individually separate and distinct.

What does discreet mean?

Discreet means being careful and intentional in one's actions to avoid drawing attention to oneself or causing embarrassment. It can also refer to being cautious and reserved in sharing confidential or sensitive information.

Sentences using the word discreet?

This information is very Discreet. discreet news were leaked.

What is the part of speech is answer?

The part of speech for "answer" is a noun.

What is the homophone for discreet?

The homophone for discreet is discrete.

Is discreet a correct word?

Whether it's correct depends on how you use it. Definitions for 'discreet' include: 1. Marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect 2. Free from ostentation or pretension; modest

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