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Q: What part of speech is the word morsel?
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What part of speech is morsel?

Morsel is a noun.

What is the difference between a tidbit and a morsel?

A tidbit and a morsel have similar meanings. If specific about it, a tidbit isn't so much referring to food as a morsel is. It is more a figure of speech.

How many words can be found in the word morsel?

Some words that can be found in the word morsel are:emErosloremolemoreororesosolsolesomesore

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The part of speech that the word my is used as is an adjective.

What part of speech is the word moments?

The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.

What is another word for a morsel of bread?

A morsel is just a tiny piece or a fragment. An old French word.

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The part of speech for the word diplomacy is a noun.

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The part of speech for the word civilian is English grammar.

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H is a letter, not a word. To be a part of speech, it needs to be a word.

What part of speech is speech?

The word speech is a noun.

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The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.

What part of speech is (THE)?

The word speech is a noun.